Friday 11 November 2016

Top Tips To Get Rid Of Carpet Stains

Now-a-days carpets are able to resist stains better than before; but mishaps do happen. Sometimes you miss the paint bucket during a weekend project, your toddler spills juice or the puppy isn’t trained and more – such accidents happen more often in our day-today life. But whenever you find any spot, spill or dirt, it’s necessary to prevent the stubborn stain from sitting on the carpet permanently. Keep in mind that, the longer you wait, the harder it will become to remove.

Often times, when people notice any carpet stain, they apply any chemical or stain removing agent right away. But, it’s highly suggested to identify the main source of the stain, before applying any stain removal chemicals.
How Do You Get Rid Of Stubborn Carpet Stains -

Blotting and applying are the main steps of any type of carpet cleanup in Dublin. To remove carpet stains effectively, you should follow a few steps discussed below:

1. Scrape up solids smoothly with a spoon’s edge.
2. Blot up the spill through a clean, absorbent, clean material like paper towels or terry cloth.
3. Start the stain removal process from the outer edge of stain towards the center.
4. Replace or turn your towel so that a fresh surface is applied to the stain.
5. Blot up until the stain no longer transfers to the towel.
6. When the stain is removed and cleaned, keep two fresh towels on the specific area and cover it with a weighted object to draw out the moisture and any stain that may be saturated the carpet closer to the pad.

Carpet Cleanup Tips -

1. Always pretest any cleaning solution in any unnoticeable spot. Apply a retail spotting agent or the solutions without over saturating the carpet.
2. Don’t try to rub a carpet stain. Rubbing a stain can distort carpet fibers and can also spread the carpet stain.
3. Be patient, when it comes to treatment of carpet stains. You may find difference in carpet stain type, size and dyes as no two carpet stains respond the same.

Conclusion -

If you’re still not satisfied with the result, get in touch with professionals for carpet cleaning in Dublin at Maud’s Home & Office for stain removal. Even if you don’t need us to come immediately to clean, try to remember what was spilled and where exactly the place and inform us when we come to do your carpet cleaning.

At the end, remember that some spills like pet accidents may leave bothersome residues that need special treatments. We at Maud’s Home & Office are available 24/7 to help you in Dublin. Our professionally trained and experienced carpet cleaners work very deliberately to make sure that you receive the superior standard carpet care as possible, using “altechs” rotovac system. Rely on Maud’s Home & Office and get the deep cleaning that your carpet floor deserves!
For more tips and suggestions on cleaning stains from carpets, please stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Top Benefits of Hiring a Reliable Window Cleaning Service in Kildare

Whether it is your home or business in Kildare, having spotless and clean windows plays an important role in improving the building’s overall appearance. DIY window cleaning is considered to be a tiresome job as well as also proves to be unsafe when you have windows on a building at a certain height. In this case, it becomes important to hire a professional window cleaning service for your Kildare home or business. The experienced window cleaners in Kildare will offer you great assistance to handle your dirty, exhausting and risky window cleaning job while delivering the highest standard of service and professionalism.

Here are the great benefits of hiring professional and highly reliable window cleaning service for your home or business in Kildare:

1- Enhance the Appearance of the Building:

It is believed that windows of a building should be cleaned two or three times a year to maintain a clean and professional look or appearance, which will eliminate the dirt and grime buildup. No doubt clean windows make both the interior and exterior of the building more appealing and allows the natural light to penetrate in a beautiful way. For homeowners in Kildare, clean windows will make your property more inviting and creates a positive first impression on the visitors or guests. An office building in Kildare with sparkling windows will impress the business clients and enhance the building's curb appeal.

2- Ensure Protection from Damage:

Along with time, the windows of your Kildare building normally have to face environmental contaminants like acid rain, hard water and oxidation, which, when left unattended can create damage to the window glass and panels. The highly experienced window cleaners will use appropriate cleaning methods like Pure Water-fed Pole system for high reach window to keep off the corrosive contaminants off of your glass. This will save money by extending the lifespan of the windows.

3- Save Time and Reduce Stress:

By hiring a professional window cleaning service, you will be able to save your valuable time and utilize it in focusing on household chores or business operations. It is also true that getting assistance from a reliable window cleaning service provider in Kildare, you will be stress free and worry free about the tiresome and hectic window cleaning. The experienced professional window cleaners will make sure in cleaning your high reach windows in a spotless way by using safe and effective methods.

4- Environmentally Friendly Window Cleaning:

With a highly reliable window cleaning service provider in Kildare, you will enjoy a non-toxic, yet powerful window cleaning that is done by using Pure Water-fed pole system. This type of window cleaning eliminates the need of ladders and assures you of enjoying a safe, risk-free and efficient job. 

You will get an opportunity to enjoy a highly reliable and cost-effective window cleaning in Kildare with Maud’s-Home and Office. We are a nationwide, award winning professional cleaning service provider that serves homes and offices with the highest standard of service. Our highly experienced and skilled window cleaners are capable of using the state-of-the-art Pure Water-fed Pole System to clean your high reach window in a convenient and safe way.

To get a tailor-made window cleaning service for your home or office in Kildare, please give us a call today at 014011901.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Tips for Carpet Cleaning in Dublin to Enhance Carpet’s Beauty

Loving the look of your new carpet? Wan to make sure the beauty, shine and aesthetes of your carpet lasts long? Are you worried or struggling for finding best solution that results in beautiful and clean carpets? Normally a daily wear and tear as well as heavy foot traffic leaves your carpet with dirt, dust and grime, which leads to discoloration.

In order to extend the life span of your carpet and keeping intact the new carpet look and feel, we are going to discuss some useful tips in this post; please read on!

#Tip 1- Prefer Spot Cleaning:

It will be wise in taking care of a fresh stain on the carpet rather than leaving it behind. Prompt way of handling a stained carpet will offer best results. Leaving it behind will allow the stain to settle down deep in the carpet fibers, which will make it difficult in removing it from the carpet. Keeping an effective spot remover on hand will help you in tackling each mess right away.

#Tip 2- Do Vacuuming:

Vacuuming your carpet everyday is a good idea; this will prevent the dirt from settling down into the carpet fibers. Regular vacuuming is the most effective technique, which is used to keep the carpets look pristine for a limited period of time with minimum effort.

#Tip 3- Ensure Deep Cleaning:

Relying on the carpet cleaning professionals in Dublin, you can be assured of enjoying a deeply cleaned and well sanitized carpet. You must remember that vacuuming is done to maintain the carpet for a limited period of time. Professional carpet cleaning done by expert professionals will eradicate all type unwanted elements from your carpet like dirt, dust, grime, bacteria and germs. This will leave behind clean and sanitized carpets that ensure better indoor air quality. The experienced carpet cleaners in Dublin are well aware about all types of carpet cleaning methods, which allows them to deliver a top quality service.

Carpets in home or office are considered to be one of the long term investments. To maintain its beauty and keep intact its luster, you can rely on professional carpet cleaning in Dublin by Maud's Home Services. We are proud to be recognized as a trustworthy carpet cleaning company in Dublin and Kildare that offers highest quality, affordable and personalized service. Our highly skilled carpet cleaners provide professional and fast-dry cleaning services to both commercial and residential properties.

Maud's Home Services always aim is to deliver an environmentally friendly carpet cleaning service, for which our well trained carpet cleaners uses technologically advanced cleaning method- The Alltec Rotovac System (recommended by leading carpet manufacturers).

We are always happy to assist you; give a call today at (01) 401 1901.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Top Reasons to Choose Professional Window Cleaning in Kildare

When a visitor or a guest enters your home, the first impression plays an important role. The first impression can be created just before the guest comes through your door. However, cleaning windows of your home in Kildare can be one of the best reasons to make your home look more appealing. However, it’s not the process that many people put on spring cleaning, but it needs you to keep the home looking great all time. This is where a professional window cleaning service in Kildare becomes handy. But a question arises why you should hire a reputable window cleaning service in Kildare. Here are some of the basic reasons you should know about:

1. Window Protection – Cleaning windows regularly will help you preserve the life of window panes. The dirt and dust usually builds up on a daily basis that can cause subtle damage to your windows. However, small scratches and small marks can reduce the quality of your windows slowly. In addition to, the atmospheric debris can deteriorate the appearance of window panes. Professional window cleaning services in Kildare have the knowledge to take care of windows in a proper way.

2. Extend the Life of Windows – Window cleaning in Kildare by professional cleaners can extend the usable life of your windows. This is due to the fact that qualified cleaners can remove contaminants causing fading and oxidation thoroughly. If dirt and dust are not removed within a reasonable amount of time, they can cause permanent damage to windows.

3. Save Ample Time – If you are going to do window cleaning on your own, you need to move a ladder around the house for wiping down the windows. A certified window cleaning service in Kildare can give adequate spare time to handle your daily chores, by taking care of cleaning needs.

4. Maintain Your Health – Generally, dirty windows can cause severe health hazards to you and your family. The dust and dirt particles accumulated in your windows can affect your lungs. This outcome can be worse, if any of your family suffer from asthma or allergies. Hence, hiring a professional window cleaning service in Kildare can be a good decision you should make, especially if you want to get rid of all unwanted debris from windows.

5. Window Cleaning is Safe – It’s quite essential to have a professional, Kildare window cleaning to handle this job efficiently, especially if you own a multiple storey house. Without climbing around on your roof and keeping the windows looking their best, you should hire a qualified contractor to do this job.

Conclusion- Instead of wasting your valuable time, leaving the job to the pros for window cleaning in Kildare of Maud’s Home Services. Contact us online and learn more about our window cleaning services in Kildare.

Request for a free online quotation and let our window cleaning experts reach you and handle your issues in a most reasonable and efficient way. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!

Monday 22 February 2016

Professional Carpet Cleaning in Dublin for Ensuring Good Health

Do you think that a carpet cleaning should only be done when they look dirty to the naked eye? Every homeowner and business owner in Dublin should be aware that the most important reason of keeping your carpets clean is not only for aesthetic reasons. Cleaning carpets are also important for ensuring good health. It is found that most people in Dublin are not aware of the health risks posed by dirty carpets and furnishings.
Most often the carpets that are not regularly cleaned prove to be a perfect platform for dirt, dust, bacteria, fungus build-up. Dirt and other harmful irritants trapped in the carpet fibers can pollute the indoor air and cause various health risks. For ensuring good health of the living members it is important to clean and maintain your carpets on a routine basis.

carpet cleaning

Are you still not convinced about cleaning your carpets on a regular basis? Then please read on! And find out some of the most common health hazards caused by dirty carpets:


Dirty carpets are considered to be the perfect place for hiding many allergens that are responsible for common allergic symptoms. Fungus and dust mites are some of the most common and troublesome allergens found in a dirty carpet. This causes unwanted allergies, which results in costly medical treatment.


Respiratory and Other Skin Issues:

Build up of toxins and allergens in a dirty carpet can also cause respiratory issues by making the indoor air unhealthy. At times, your children can suffer from itchy and unexplained rashes due to presence of bacteria and fungus buildup in the dirty carpets.

So, how a professional carpet cleaning will come to the rescue in Dublin?

Professional carpet cleaning will help in deeply cleaning your carpet that will improve the appearance as well as makes it free from all kind of pollutants. This will result in ensuring good health for the living members:

Successfully eliminates Trapped Pollutants:

Experience carpet cleaners in Dublin will use specialized method like steam cleaning or ‘The Alltec Rotovac System’ cleaning that will successfully remove the deeply trapped pollutants in the carpet. This will leave behind deeply cleaned and sanitized carpets with enhanced appearance.

House Cleaning

Prevents growth of mold:

Apart from vacuuming, you can opt for regular carpet cleaning by professional carpet cleaners in Dublin. The expert cleaners will use high powered drying tools that specially designed to annihilate moisture from the carpets, which will result in preventing mold growth.

Professional carpet cleaning in Dublin by Maud’s Home Services will ensure in providing deeply cleaned and well sanitized carpets, free from all pollutants and toxins that will create a purified indoor air quality to live-in or work. We believe in providing industry best carpet cleaning service at most reasonable price. Our team is proud to cater effective carpet cleaning service in Kildare also.

Allow us to lend an expert hand for cleaning your dirty carpets; Contact us today at (01) 401 1901 or send an email to

Monday 18 January 2016

Different Kinds of Commercial Carpet Cleaning Machines

Commercial cleaning solutions employ an assortment of machine and cleaning equipments. Carpet cleaning is no exception. There are quite a few commercial carpet cleaning machineries available today that can be utilized to find a clean and great smelling carpet. Let’s talk about some of the most commonly used commercial carpet cleaning machines used today in Dublin.

Bonnet Machines:

Bonnet carpet cleaning is believed to be a crucial segment of several interim maintenance solutions. It’s regularly employed in commercial carpet cleaning to maintain the look of the carpet amid deep cleaning sessions. Whilst bonnet cleaning doesn’t accomplish the deep cleaning outcomes that can be accomplished by other procedures, it does offer a great means to eliminate surface dust. It also refurbishes the pile look. It’s a low moisture procedure and can be employed on a wide range of carpets or upholstery. Credit to the low humidity, it doesn’t take long for the upholstery to dry. To utilize a bonnet machinery, most cleaning services in Dublin will first drench the area with a cleaning solution. Then the machine will be employed to effectively buff out the filth on the rug. Remember that the bonnet padding may become dirty rapidly. It can generally be turned over and employed on the other side. Check a subtle part of the carpet prior to doing this sort of cleaning. 

If you are a bit environment-friendly and energy conscious, then eco-friendly bonnets are a better alternative for you. These machineries employ less water & chemicals in comparison to conventional carpet bonnets. They’re also more absorbent which enables them to leave less chemicals in the upholstery. Bonnets are considered eco-friendly because they can be washed & re-used.

Portable Extraction Machineries:

Present models of handheld extractors are more effective than their ancestors. They are not only for small tasks. Now they’re the go-to machinery for several different circumstances. They can be effortlessly moved from floor to floor and room to room. They’re perfect to be used in small areas or spaces that are tough to reach out with a conventional device. Furthermore, portable extraction tools are essential in buildings that are over 8-stories tall. That’s because most of the truck-mounted machineries will drop pressure as soon as they contact a certain height. 

Truck-mounted Extraction Machineries:

Hot water extraction procedures are believed to be the finest means to clean most sorts of carpets. This’s accomplished by a powerful machinery known as the truck-mounted extractor. These machines are driven by their own engines or by the vehicles. They’re admired for their speed and capability to eliminate the greatest volume of water from the upholstery. Since the truck-mount may also seize the water source for the machinery, the cleaning professional can work faster. 

To find professional Carpet Cleaning in Kildare and Dublin contact Maud's Home Services. To get high quality carpet cleaning service in Dublin get in touch with us at (01) 401 1901. We are waiting to serve you!