Thursday 29 November 2018

The Carpet Cleaning In Dublin That Makes Moving In Cleaner

When you are moving, you have a considerable measure of costs and a great deal to do. You need to pack up your old house, manage the majority of the paper works and transport everything to your new home, alongside continue to satisfy your ordinary obligations. You presumably need to cut expenses and set aside extra cash anywhere you can and skipping cleaning the carpet in your new house is enticing. Nonetheless, that is an awful thought, as you will understand having carpet cleaning in Dublin from us at Maud’s Home and Office. 

Carpet Cleaning

Reasons of cleaning required before moving in

When you are moving into a house that has been recently vacated, you may have fortunes thinking that the past proprietors have just cleaned the rugs for you. Nevertheless, if that is not the situation, it is imperative to get the floor coverings cleaned having carpet cleaning services in Dublin from us. You have no clue what they have spilled on the floors, hauled in on their shoes, or whatever else that could be prowling in their floors. This is particularly critical if the past proprietors or any of the proprietors previously they have had a pet– one who may have vomited, crapped, or peed on the floor coverings. Begin your life in your new cultivator crisp by ensuring that we clean you covers professionally.

In the event that that is not persuading enough, consider the way this is likely the main time that your home will be vacant of furniture. It would be easier to offer carpet cleaning in Dublin as the entire carpet can be cleaned without removing any furniture. Leading carpet manufacturers and all our carpet services include fast drying times recommend our carpet cleaner’s method ‘The Alltec Rotovac System’.

Professional Cleaning Company in Dublin

Considerations of cleaning carpet when moving into a new house

In case you are moving into a recently constructed house, you may surmise that you do not have to clean your rugs. Nevertheless, except if, your floor coverings were the specific last thing introduced in your home and they were not, it is critical to even now get them cleaned having house carpet cleaning in Dublin from us. Simply consider what numbers of temporary workers have strolled all through your home with messy shoes on. It is likewise likely that a considerable measure of residue from different development ventures has sunk into your floor coverings. Except if, you need to blend up residue each time that you stroll in the entryway, get your rugs cleaned just before you move in having the best of carpet cleaning in Dublin from us.


So, whatever nature of house you move in to you need the best of carpet cleaning done by us at Maud’s Home and Office. So, do give us a call dialing 087 320 3201.

Stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Sunday 11 November 2018

Four Top Rated and Premium Dublin Cleaning Companies

For a healthy living cleanliness is utmost necessary. Whether it is residential or commercial property we must keep it clean. But keeping our surroundings clean is not that easy as it sounds! It takes a lot of our precious time and energy losing which is practically impossible most of the time. And hence hiring cleaning companies is the best thing that we can do!

Stone Floor Cleaning

Are you also looking for reputable and trustworthy Dublin cleaning companies for your residential or commercial property cleaning services? Then below is the list of four top rated premium cleaning companies in Dublin who offer the high quality cleaning services. Choose the one that suits your budget and requirements!

Need to Clean Ltd.
The company has over 10 years of experience in professional cleaning industry servicing both residential and commercial clients all over Dublin and outskirts. They offer a wide range of services for both residential and commercial customers such as house and apartment cleaning, post construction clear outs, cleaning services for construction companies, small offices and more. For them quality of work is the topmost priority.

Maud’s – Home and Office
Maud’s – Home and Office is a quality assured home and office cleaning company providing a healthier deeper clean of your home or office. Their home and office cleaning services can be tailor made to suit your requirements and budget so you can be sure that when you employ their Services for house or Office cleaning you can expect quality, value for money and excellent customer service by our trained cleaners. The company has won Chambers Ireland CSR Awards 2010 and was the Finalist in The Green Awards 2011 for being one of the most dependable Dublin cleaning companies.

Home Concierge
The company understands that letting someone you don't know into your home is a big deal and hence only hires professional home cleaners who have been fully vetted, highly trained, interviewed in person and speak English. Their services are so convenient that they even provide all of their own materials and equipment.

Clean Scape Cleaning Services
Clean Scape Cleaning Services is a 100% Irish owned Business that is based on providing cleaning to customers specific requirements and to provide the highest standards. They deal in an extended range of contract cleaning solutions such as home cleaning, Office Cleaning, Janitorial Services, Apartment Block Services (apartment cleaning) and house cleaning. Clean scape also carries out on site carpet cleaning, window cleaning and grounds maintenance, along with landscaping services in Dublin and the nearby towns.


Hope you will find the ideal cleaning company among the above listed Dublin cleaning companies & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Regular Carpet Cleaning Is The Easiest Way To Prolonging The Life Of Your Carpet

You might not feel or see it, but the Carpets in your home bathrooms are usually full of dust and darts or bacteria. They arise from the traffic and foot waste, spills or animal waste that are plentiful and undesirable. Keeping your carpet clean as possible will not only assists your carpets to look shine and durable but also make your home space hygiene.  You will not the right person to this and perhaps you don’t have time for this!  To get this work done you must always seek the help of local professional carpet cleaning service in Kildare or Dublin. Here mentioned a few things that you can do to keep your carpet shine for many years.

carpet cleaning

Vacuum frequently

Carpets seem to be one of the valuable materials from many that enhance the aesthetic of your home.  Like others, it also needs special care to be shine for a long. One of the most crucial things you can do to keep your carpet clean and looking great is to vacuum thoroughly in regular interval. Vacuuming helps to remove dry particles, soil residue kept in your carpets which are harsh and damaging to the carpet fibers. The traffic patterns can result in the carpet that looks dull and worn. Taking away of soil through repeated vacuuming process will defend your carpet fibers from damages or scratches. This will also keep your carpets from wearing down that remains to be looking new. However for a finest and most effective result, one should rely on professional carpet cleaning service in Dublin or Kildare.

Carpet Cleaning

No-residue carpet cleaning

Removal of dry soil and harsh dust particle from your carpet is very significant. Furthermore, the oily buildup and other spills need to be thoroughly flushed from your carpet. For about 12 months to 18 months of time, you should hire a professional carpet cleaning service in Dublin, carpet cleaning Kildare that provides the no-residue carpet cleaning. The expert and experienced carpet cleaning service in Dublin or Kildare have latest tools, supplies and powerful equipment to clean your carpet. They deep-clean your carpets in order to remove the oily buildup, soil, dust that remain deep down the carpet and remove the sticky residue from its root.

Use disinfectant and protective layer

After cleaning the carpets professional carpet cleaners also spray disinfectant on your carpets in order to kill or clean all the germs present in it that cannot be removed with simple vacuum cleaning. Using of disinfectants is a good practice not only to protect your valuable carpets but also your kids. You just pick the most suitable product and use it on a regular basis. In addition to this one should use the protective layer to your carpets in order to keep it safe for a long. Having a protective layer to your carpet will keep the fibers protected from being scratched by soil abrasion and foot traffic. If you’re not sure which disinfectant to use or using the protective layer, consult with the expert carpet cleaning service in Dublin or Kildare that can give you the best advice.

Professional Cleaning Company in Dublin


Prolonging the life of your carpet is as simple with the safe hand of Maud’s carpet cleaners. We provide professional carpet cleaning and fast-dry services to both commercial and domestic properties in Dublin and Kildare. We follow the best methods and use the best supplies and heavy-duty carpet cleaning equipment to maintain the appearance and texture of your carpet as new!

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Window Cleaning in Kildare: Making Window Maintenance a Priority

In order to maintain the artistic look of your home or office, you need to make window cleaning a priority. Most of the time, the appearance of your residence or office can create a bad impression for your image. If you happen to run a private business, your physical setting may determine your success in the future. Therefore, one of the best ways of presenting a good image about your brand is by hiring window cleaning experts. Window cleaning in Kildare has become a routine that a lot of business owners and homeowners cannot do without. The reason is that there are benefits attached to getting a window cleaning service in Kildare. Here are some of the highlights of the benefits.

Carpet Cleaning

1. Inspection 

Before beginning a cleaning service, the duty of experts from Kildare window cleaning agency is to check for faults. These faults can come from the negligence of residential owners who haven’t taken the time to inspect their property. The reason for making an inspection is to check out for damaged items around your office or home. This way, the notices come to you early to ensure that the faulty areas are fixed before commencing cleaning service. After all, such damage notices don’t come to you when you haven’t hired experts from window cleaning service in Kildare.


2. Protection 

How do you protect yourself from a bug infestation? The answer is quite simple—gets cleaning experts from Kildare window cleaning service. Most times, you barely have the time to disrupt the habitation of bugs on your window. Since you don’t want to suffer a bug attack on a regular basis, you can hire window cleaning service experts. They have the right tools that can clear off all forms of bug infestation on your window. This way, you can enjoy a bug-free atmosphere in your apartment or office.

office cleaning

3. Safety measures 

It can become extremely dangerous to consider doing window cleaning by yourself, especially when your apartments are taller. You may not have the right gadgets that can help you get a proper window cleaning. In this case, you should look out for experts who specialize in window cleaning in Kildare. This way, they save you from getting an injury, because you are trying to make your windows look cleaner.

On a final note, you can make your physical setting look safer again for your clients or family. The secret is Kildare hiring cleaning experts on a regular basis, ensuring your environment doesn’t become a place people detest. Your guests or clients should be able to feel comfortable with the appearance of your apartment, especially your windows.

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Know How To Get Rid Of Dust In Your Home

Over 90% of household dust comes from small flakes of skin & hardly noticeable fabric fibers that hover on the slightest air current & settle on every surface in your house. If you’ve dust allergies, here is how to reduce it as much as possible to avoid prompting dust allergy reactions.


Organize your cabinets to limit the volume of dust:

Cabinets or closets are a haven for dust! Every time you open the door of your closet, you whip up an indiscernible dust storm. You cannot prevent garments from peeling fibers, but you certainly can keep your closet clean, which will significantly reduce the volume of dust.

Change bedding every week:

You comfortable bed is one of the main dust distributors, and that dust can multiply quickly if you don’t keep an eye on them. Your bedding accumulates skin flakes, peels its own threads, and let go a puff of dust every time you roll over. To reduce the fallout; don’t forget to clean sheets & pillowcases every week. Items that are not machine-washable don’t require weekly trips to the dry cleaners – just take bedspreads and blankets outside and shake them. You can blow some of the dust out of pillows, but for a proper cleaning, wash or dry clean them. 

Make use of the right cleaning supplies:

The key is to detain dust, not just spread it around, which is exactly what dry rag and feather rags will do. Wet rags or disposable textiles that attract & hold dust with an electrostatic charge work much better. Fabrics that attract dirt with waxes or oils also work great but can leave remains on furniture. However, use vacuum attachments only on surfaces that are difficult to dust with a fabric, such as rough surfaces & intricate woodwork, because the exhaust stream from a vacuum whips up a dust storm.

Carpet Cleaning

Use the right vacuum:

Suction alone is not sufficient to pull much dust out of carpets. For excellent results, you require a vacuum with a powerful agitator (the brush that sweeps the rug). When it comes to wood, tile or vinyl flooring, your best option is a canister vacuum without an agitator (or with an agitator that can be deactivated).

For professional home cleaning in Kildare look no further than Maud’s Home and Office. To give your home a deep clean and make it dust free, feel free to call us at 087 320 3201.

office cleaning

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Saturday 23 June 2018

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaner For Your Home

Nothing radiates the elegance and luxury than carpets! More than just being an accent, elements of style, carpets provide practical value to any facility. At the same, it is crucial to keep carpets as clean as you can. Carpet cleaning on a regular basis not only rewarding but also contributes a lot to a healthy home environment. In fact, carpet cleaning service ultimately helps in improving the appearance of any home and provides a healthier and improved life for every family that owned carpets. Here are some tips that can convince people to prefer a good carpet cleaning service in Dublin or Kildare.

Carpet Cleaning

A clean house and a clean carpet obviously make a house looks great at the same time it makes the living space healthy and comfortable. Carpet cleaning on a regular basis not only means cleaner carpets, but it also adds a healthy environment. In fact, carpet cleaning not only facilitates improving the home appearance but also provides a healthy and improved life to one’s family. The professional carpet cleaning in Dublin always offers the better job of cleaning the carpet fibers to get rid of the bacteria, dirt, mites, etc for an Improved, comfortable environment.

Clean carpet also smells fresh and also good to walk with the bare feet. Carpet cleaning service in Kildare will help you get rid of the stinking smells from the unclean carpets. Pet stains, food particles, dust and debris kept in the carpets will add the odor problem. The professional carpet cleaners will assist you get rid of those unwanted elements for a fresh and hygiene environment in any home space.

carpet cleaning

Some stains are just hard to remove which is why professionals carpet cleaning service in Dublin or Kildare are important. The whole carpet cleaning process will become easier when you hire a professional to do the job. No need to west your fund on procuring special cleaning chemicals and supplies, hire the machinery and returning them, and wasting your valuable time. Professional carpet cleaners have the latest tools, experience, and expertise to remove any stains with ease.
Carpets are really costly elements and sometimes these are rare to find hence need special care for an extended lifespan. Carpet Cleaning service in Dublin through its routine maintenance service help to extend the life of any carpet for further years. Carpet cleaning service providers in Kildare will not only ensure your carpet looks great as new but also help to prevent any issues in the future.

Office Cleaners


When it comes to carpet cleaning, you should never hire a sub-par service that uses less than adequate equipment. At Maud’s Home and Office we offer everything necessary for a professional carpet cleaner in your home, and also offer most affordable prices prevail in the industry. If you are ready to have your carpet’s professionally cleaned, then you need to get in touch with us at 087 320 3201 today!

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Reasons for Having Professional Cleaning Services in Dublin

Homes or offices are places where people interact with each other and work. It is for that reason such places need to be perfectly cleaned so as to have a safe and healthy atmosphere. It is not possible to adjust the time for having a perfect cleaning done by us and that is the reason for having the best of Cleaning Services in Dublin from us.

Carpet Cleaning

We are the best amongst the many Dublin Cleaning Companies and due to that very reason; we have been awarded the honor to lead from the top. Our home and office cleaning services can be tailor-made to suit your requirements and budget so you can be sure that when you employ our Services for house or Office cleaning you can expect quality, value for money and excellent customer service by our trained cleaners.

Our core strength lies in building long-term relationships with our clients. Listening to their needs and ensuring that we continue to improve our unique services ensuring that we can provide the healthiest, most thorough professional service available.

House Cleaning

We will listen to our customers and understand their needs customize our service so that the best can be offered. Our commitment to nature also makes our services to be the one to be chosen. Being the best amongst the Dublin Cleaning Companies we ensure that all our products are eco-friendly and that we reduce our carbon footprint.

To make our services available to all we have introduced gift vouchers which you can present to someone whom you wish to have our service. Those having the voucher can have our Cleaning Services in Dublin. We make sure that we are at their home on the day they expect us – and we manage the quality. When they employ an independent cleaning person, they are responsible for managing that individual’s time and quality of cleaning. With busy lives, it can be tough to add one more responsibility.

If you would like us to be at your home at a specific time we recommend that you sign up for service at the beginning of the day. As we clean homes during the day, we often encounter things that delay our arrival at the next home, like traffic, or a last minute customer request for some additional cleaning.

All of this is possible as we have a vast amount of experience in cleaning, we understand what really makes for a great domestic and commercial cleaning service; products and methods come and go but the one constant whether you’re cleaning windows at height, tackling heavy stains with special chemicals or simply buffing the office corridors is our cleaning team.


To meet the growing ecological need, we use products that have been created in an environmentally responsible manner. We have carefully chosen products that are free of harsh chemicals, are biodegradable and toxin-free.

If you wish to have such nature of house cleaning services in Dublin then you need to contact MAUDS HOME AND OFFICE. You can call us at (01) 401 1901 to get a free quotation.

Friday 30 March 2018

Hall, Stairs And Landing Carpets – How To Take Care Of Them

The best thing you get when hiring professional carpet cleaning in Kildare is their ability to take off the profoundly ingrained dirt that gets caught in the fibers of the carpet. Certainly, vacuuming regularly is essential in sustaining the lifespan & look of a carpet, but there comes a time when even the most careful home owners require a professional carpet cleaning service in Kildare.

Carpet Cleaning

Dirt that sits deep inside your carpet, will wear away the fibers over time & you will end up with lifeless areas (particularly in high traffic regions).

It isn’t just about taking off obvious dirt and stains – a professional carpet cleaning service can considerably extend the life of your costly asset & save you money.

Though you may escape with cleaning your living room every couple of years, but we believe it is wise to sustain the condition of high traffic areas like your stairs, hall,and landing every six months.
Your stains and hall are the regions that get noticed by the visitors look at first – making it even more essential to keep them in a hygiene condition.

Stone Floor Cleaning

If you have opted for light or beige colored carpets for your hall & stairs, it is pretty easy to overlook their original color. These carpeted regions can truly take a pounding as they’ll be walked on more regularly compared to other carpeted areas.

This entails a greater wear & tear of the carpet and, overtime, a noticeable footfall pattern. Because of the excessive soil & possibility of damage on hall & stair’s carpet, it’s essential to vacuum clean these regions more frequently. This will take off enough dry filth in between pro carpet cleaning appointments so they aren’t frequently ground into the carpeting, prompting permanent dent.

But vacuuming alone isn’t enough. You must have your stairs, landing,and hall professionally cleaned by hot water extraction (it is the procedure suggested by carpet makers) every 6 months, and other carpeted areas every 1-2 year. Hot water extraction cleaning done by a professional will extend the lifespan of your costly carpet & keep it hygienic all year long.

Office Cleaners

Do you want your carpets cleaned professionally? Let Maud’s Home & Office help you in this regard. We offer professional rug &carpet cleaning in Dublin with utmost accuracy and professionalism. Our Fully trained and experienced Carpet Cleaners work to ensure that you receive the highest standard of carpet care possible at a pocket friendly price.

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

Friday 9 February 2018

5 Ways a Professional House Cleaning Service Can Improve your Home Appearance

At a first instance, House Cleaning might sound like a mammoth task to complete, as most people don’t like to clean. When you get it done through a resourceful, capable and competent house cleaning service in Kildare, this can be an easy job done within few hours. With a fully trained workforce, Professional House cleaning services are sincerely engaged to arrange and balance every chaotic situation of any residential property to its proper Oder. One cannot deny the benefits obtained from the Home Cleaning service in Sandy Ford Dublin or Kildare area. To mention a few among many benefits are as follows.


Create nice sense 

House Cleaning Services in Sandy Ford Dublin guarantees speckles maintenance of your home premises. It can bring the top hygiene level to your home by a scientific approach and best in class housekeeping service. Never let your guests notice the dust, dirt, clutters or mess in your home. Take the help of experienced and expert House Cleaning service to get a great peace of mind knowing that your House Cleaning service will take over all the darts or dust and make your home spotless.

Organized service 

When you hire a House Cleaning Services in Sandy Ford Dublin or in Kildare the Cleaning professionals will never leave your residential apartment in an untidy way.  The House Cleaning companies have effective measures and well-designed work schedules to ensure you to remove every heap of dust or cobwebs, the floor tiles of your bathrooms & kitchens, deodorizing each and every room to maintain it in an organized way.

Stone Floor Cleaning

Definite satisfaction

A professional House cleaning company has the proper tools, techniques, supplies, equipment and machinery to tackle any mess effectively.  Proficient House cleaning services are punctual and most efficient for spotting the blemishes and wiping off the dirty remnants, dusting and keeping things in order without damaging your valuables.

Saving in time

Cleaning is not only an undesirable task but it is time-consuming too. You may have to spare time even for a small cleaning task leads to cutting down your valuable workday or leisure time.  With an assistance of House Cleaning service in Sandy Ford Dublin, you have no longer sweat and do all the hard work to climb up the walls and clean up your home. Just call out for the compliant House Cleaning services in Kildare who always honor and respect your valuable time and money and property.

Deep cleaning

A normal House Cleaning is what you do every day or on a weekend. However, there is always a corner left with dust and remain unclean! Deep house cleaning will do wonder to offer a different look altogether to your home. Home Cleaning service in Kildare has the expertise to handle Deep House Clean from roof to floor without leaving any dust particle for any with an ease whether it is small or large in size. House Cleaning service in Sandy Ford Dublin can help you to leave your house stand out like a new.

Office Cleaners


With over a decade’s experience, Maud’s – Home and Office pride on providing efficient and professional house keeping services to all clients in Sandy Ford Dublin or in Kildare area.  For years we adhere to Quality, Safety, and Environment management models to meet every client’s necessities, expectations, and preferences with elegance. With our combination of the best manpower and equipment’s, we can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of any home into a new one. If you have any question or want a free estimate calls us at (01) 401 1901 today!

For any stress less cleaning service please call on our no<(01) 401 1901> & stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!