Monday 22 February 2016

Professional Carpet Cleaning in Dublin for Ensuring Good Health

Do you think that a carpet cleaning should only be done when they look dirty to the naked eye? Every homeowner and business owner in Dublin should be aware that the most important reason of keeping your carpets clean is not only for aesthetic reasons. Cleaning carpets are also important for ensuring good health. It is found that most people in Dublin are not aware of the health risks posed by dirty carpets and furnishings.
Most often the carpets that are not regularly cleaned prove to be a perfect platform for dirt, dust, bacteria, fungus build-up. Dirt and other harmful irritants trapped in the carpet fibers can pollute the indoor air and cause various health risks. For ensuring good health of the living members it is important to clean and maintain your carpets on a routine basis.

carpet cleaning

Are you still not convinced about cleaning your carpets on a regular basis? Then please read on! And find out some of the most common health hazards caused by dirty carpets:


Dirty carpets are considered to be the perfect place for hiding many allergens that are responsible for common allergic symptoms. Fungus and dust mites are some of the most common and troublesome allergens found in a dirty carpet. This causes unwanted allergies, which results in costly medical treatment.


Respiratory and Other Skin Issues:

Build up of toxins and allergens in a dirty carpet can also cause respiratory issues by making the indoor air unhealthy. At times, your children can suffer from itchy and unexplained rashes due to presence of bacteria and fungus buildup in the dirty carpets.

So, how a professional carpet cleaning will come to the rescue in Dublin?

Professional carpet cleaning will help in deeply cleaning your carpet that will improve the appearance as well as makes it free from all kind of pollutants. This will result in ensuring good health for the living members:

Successfully eliminates Trapped Pollutants:

Experience carpet cleaners in Dublin will use specialized method like steam cleaning or ‘The Alltec Rotovac System’ cleaning that will successfully remove the deeply trapped pollutants in the carpet. This will leave behind deeply cleaned and sanitized carpets with enhanced appearance.

House Cleaning

Prevents growth of mold:

Apart from vacuuming, you can opt for regular carpet cleaning by professional carpet cleaners in Dublin. The expert cleaners will use high powered drying tools that specially designed to annihilate moisture from the carpets, which will result in preventing mold growth.

Professional carpet cleaning in Dublin by Maud’s Home Services will ensure in providing deeply cleaned and well sanitized carpets, free from all pollutants and toxins that will create a purified indoor air quality to live-in or work. We believe in providing industry best carpet cleaning service at most reasonable price. Our team is proud to cater effective carpet cleaning service in Kildare also.

Allow us to lend an expert hand for cleaning your dirty carpets; Contact us today at (01) 401 1901 or send an email to