Tuesday 22 December 2015

4 Professional Carpet Cleaning Methods to Consider

One big area of concern for homeowners seeking quality carpet cleaning services in Dublin is making a decision on which cleaning procedure to employ. Price, extent of carpet soiling, environmental states and type of fiber used usually persuade the selection of a carpet cleaning procedure. Here in this post we will talk about 4 most common professional carpet cleaning methods used today. So, let’s have a glance:

Steam Cleaning:

Popularly known as hot water removal, steam cleaning is a widespread procedure of cleaning carpets. While executing this procedure, water is heated to absolute temperature and infused into the carpet with high pressure. The boiling water fruitfully slackens the filth, and the cleaning tool instantly draws dirt and moisture out. Heavily grubby carpet often needs the utilization of detergent. Hot water extraction is efficient in eliminating odors and slaughtering germs and dust mites. 

Carpet Shampooing:
When it comes to professional carpet cleaning methods, carpet shampooing holds a special place. In this procedure a soapy chemical is dispersed over the carpet and rubbed in with a motor-driven spherical brush. This procedure works wonders for densely soiled, low-pile carpets. Since no removal procedure is concerned, the carpet should be vacuumed thoroughly to eliminate soil and remaining. However, a lot of carpet cleaning pros refer steam cleaning as more productive in comparison to carpet shampooing.

Bonnet Cleaning:

This carpet cleaning procedure is sometimes referred as dry cleaning procedure, but in reality it isn’t. Bonet cleaning makes use of a cleaning product, rarely combined with fizzing water, and multiplies it like a haze on top of the carpet’s surface. A spherical revolving shield or “bonnet” with a sponge coating is dash over the dirty area. As soon as the casing become soiled, it’s substituted with a spotless one. While the top 1/3 of the carpet is sanitized, dirt which has settled to the base of the stack remains behind. This cleaning procedure must be considered as a momentary solution for more intensive cleaning.      

Carpet Dry Cleaning:

The dry-cleaning process employs almost no water. A professional sprays a small volume of a porous element on top of the carpet and employs an automatic brush to clean it through the rug, softening the soil. The dirt and remaining are then drawn with the help of a vacuum cleaner. The dry cleaning process dries out carpets more speedily in comparison to any other cleaning process. Easily spoiled organic-fiber carpets, such as hemp and sisal benefit wonderfully from the dry-cleaning method.

So, now you have a thorough idea about the different professional carpet cleaning procedures. Now call a professional carpet cleaner in Dublin and ask him which procedure will suit your requirements the best. 

Contact Maud's Home Services now for professional carpet cleaning in Dublin. Reach us through our Skype no (01) 401 1901 for a quick appointment.

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