Friday 11 November 2016

Top Tips To Get Rid Of Carpet Stains

Now-a-days carpets are able to resist stains better than before; but mishaps do happen. Sometimes you miss the paint bucket during a weekend project, your toddler spills juice or the puppy isn’t trained and more – such accidents happen more often in our day-today life. But whenever you find any spot, spill or dirt, it’s necessary to prevent the stubborn stain from sitting on the carpet permanently. Keep in mind that, the longer you wait, the harder it will become to remove.

Often times, when people notice any carpet stain, they apply any chemical or stain removing agent right away. But, it’s highly suggested to identify the main source of the stain, before applying any stain removal chemicals.
How Do You Get Rid Of Stubborn Carpet Stains -

Blotting and applying are the main steps of any type of carpet cleanup in Dublin. To remove carpet stains effectively, you should follow a few steps discussed below:

1. Scrape up solids smoothly with a spoon’s edge.
2. Blot up the spill through a clean, absorbent, clean material like paper towels or terry cloth.
3. Start the stain removal process from the outer edge of stain towards the center.
4. Replace or turn your towel so that a fresh surface is applied to the stain.
5. Blot up until the stain no longer transfers to the towel.
6. When the stain is removed and cleaned, keep two fresh towels on the specific area and cover it with a weighted object to draw out the moisture and any stain that may be saturated the carpet closer to the pad.

Carpet Cleanup Tips -

1. Always pretest any cleaning solution in any unnoticeable spot. Apply a retail spotting agent or the solutions without over saturating the carpet.
2. Don’t try to rub a carpet stain. Rubbing a stain can distort carpet fibers and can also spread the carpet stain.
3. Be patient, when it comes to treatment of carpet stains. You may find difference in carpet stain type, size and dyes as no two carpet stains respond the same.

Conclusion -

If you’re still not satisfied with the result, get in touch with professionals for carpet cleaning in Dublin at Maud’s Home & Office for stain removal. Even if you don’t need us to come immediately to clean, try to remember what was spilled and where exactly the place and inform us when we come to do your carpet cleaning.

At the end, remember that some spills like pet accidents may leave bothersome residues that need special treatments. We at Maud’s Home & Office are available 24/7 to help you in Dublin. Our professionally trained and experienced carpet cleaners work very deliberately to make sure that you receive the superior standard carpet care as possible, using “altechs” rotovac system. Rely on Maud’s Home & Office and get the deep cleaning that your carpet floor deserves!
For more tips and suggestions on cleaning stains from carpets, please stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

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