Monday 20 March 2017

Why Dry Cleaning Is The Most Preferred Carpet Cleaning Option? 4 Reasons

No doubt wooden floors are a useful addition to any property, but today a majority of people in Dublin prefer carpeting their homes. Whether in your living room or bedroom, you can put carpet almost anywhere you want. Nevertheless, like other regularly used items in your carpet also need periodic cleaning & maintenance to maintain its optimal condition.

Basically, there’re 2 ways of effectively cleaning carpet; you can rinse it with water & soap or dry clean it with the use of chemicals. However, today most of the people prefer dry carpet cleaning over traditional way cleaning. Maud's Cleaning Services in Dublin provides both residential & commercial.  Here are few good reasons why Dry Carpet Cleaning is preferred :

Negligible drying time: The most common reason why most people favor dry carpet cleaning is that this procedure does not need you to wait for a week prior to putting the carpet back into its original position. With this cleaning procedure, one can get their cleaned carpet back on the same day, generally within 4 to 5 hours. There’re various techniques employed while performing this cleaning practice. While some employ moisture, in most circumstances, a fast-evaporating chemical is used for cleaning. This means that there’s no requirement to leave your carpet in direct sunlight or in a dry room.

Prevent molds & fungus:  A possible problem with cleaning your carpet with water is that no matter for how long you leave it in direct sunlight, there will always be some dampness left inside the carpet layers. This may cause mold and fungus to start developing inside the carpet. However, with dry cleaning, there’s no need to concern regarding these sorts of problems.

It is perfect for commercial purposes: There’s a big difference in residential & office carpets. You can leave your bedroom or living room without carpet for a week without major problems, but when it’s about a professional workplace environment, leaving a bare floor for many days can source considerable issues. With dry cleaning, your office carpets will be in place in no time.

It is more hygienic: When you use water and soap for cleaning your carpet, most of the times the germs doesn’t wash off properly. The positive thing about dry cleaning is that it employs chemicals & hot stream that immediately slaughters all the germs or bacteria inside the carpet layers. With this cleaning procedure, it’s like having a brand new carpet every time you dry clean it.

Here at Maud’s we offer dry carpet cleaning services in Dublin for both residential and commercial purposes. We recommend to dry clean your carpet in every 4-12 months to maintain the appearance and texture of your carpeting.
For more tips and suggestions on cleaning stains from carpets, please stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

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