Friday 30 June 2017

Do You Know How Your Carpets Got Bald Patches?

Did you ever come across any bald spots on your costly carpet – or someone else’s? Have you ever considered why the fibres from your carpet are missing?

Well, it isn’t your carpet decaying! It is, in fact, an outbreak of carpet moth. Don’t worry, it can happen to anyone’s carpet. Before you hire our professional carpet cleaning in Kildare, Dublin let us guide you how to deal with these carpet ruining moths.

Professional Cleaning Company in Dublin

What makes them more attracted towards carpet?

Well, it isn’t only carpets, it can be curtains and clothes as well and they’re induced to natural fibres such as silk and wool. Carpet moths possess the capability to eat out keratin protein available in these organic fibres. So if you’ve a pure wool or silk carpet, or a wool rich carpet, you certainly become more vulnerable to them. Furthermore, they like regions that contain some humidity inside the organic fibre – even dirt and sweat as they nourish on them as well. Nevertheless, in carpet, they like dark corners & areas under units etc. The grown-up moth lay eggs in these regions & when the larvae hatch in to grown-up themselves – this’s when they leave their larvae layering on your carpet.

carpet cleaning

How to deal with them?

A professional carpet cleaning service is what you should be looking at if you’ve a case of beetle or moth infestation. A thorough vacuum cleaning made by a carpet cleaning professional will get rid of these carpet killers. Also, a safe dose of natural cleaning agents can be employed to eradicate them effectively. Then an insecticide can be applied to assure that they’ll be eradicated altogether. You’ll obviously be pondering about what to do regarding the bald patches on the carpets, and could be fixed as long as you’ve an off cut of the same carpet available – but only if it’s in the similar state in terms of wear & colour.

Carpet Cleaning

The best way to keep these pests at bay is no doubt to vacuum in regular intervals – not only the main areas but in the corners & under units where they’ve legs. If you think that getting rid of these carpet cleaning issues is out of your reach, feel free to check out the professional carpet cleaning in Kildare offered by Maud’s Home & Office. Using “alltechs” rotovac cleaning system, we make sure that your carpet flooring gets that deep cleaning it deserves. Call us now at (01) 401 1901 for a free estimation.

For more tips and suggestions on cleaning stains from carpets, please stay connected with us through FacebookTwitter and Google+ social media networks!

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